Gypsum Association Revises Five Technical Documents

Late in 2017, the Gypsum Association released five revised technical documents. GA-220-2016 Gypsum Board Winter Related Installation RecommendationsGypsum Panel Products, Types, Uses, and StandardsApplication of Gypsum Board to Form Curved SurfaceControl Joints for Fire Resistance Rated Systems, and GA-338-2016 Guidelines for Prevention of Mold Growth on Gypsum Board have been updated to reflect current best practices. As a service to the design and construction community, these documents, and more than 30 additional technical documents, are available for free download through the GA Bookstore.


Of particular interest to the construction community is GA-220-2016 Gypsum Board Winter Related Installation Recommendations. Unless precautions are taken, cold and damp weather can contribute to a variety problems during and after installation and finishing of wallboard. Maintaining a room temperature of at least 50°F (10°C) for 48 hours before, during, and after finishing, is just one of 13 recommendations that will reduce the possibility of joint compound bond failing, beading, nail popping and other problems that can result in call backs after project completion. 


Because they specify the use of control joints in wall and ceiling systems, architects and designers will want to review GA-234-2016 Control Joints for Fire-Resistance Rated Systems. Control joints assist in relieving stresses in assemblies that can result in gypsum board cracks and ridging. GA-234- 2016 outlines the minimum requirements for the installation of control joints. The appropriate specification of control joints is particularly important when a specific fire-resistance rating is dictated by building code.


In addition to free technical downloads provided through the GA Bookstore, a partnership with BNi Building News, the technical services department has significantly expanded the FAQs available on