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Construction Employment Increases in 252 out of 358 Metro Areas from August 2018 to August 2019

Construction employment grew in 252 out of 358 metro areas between August 2018 and August 2019, declined in 60 and was unchanged in 46, according to a new analysis of federal employment data released on Oct. 2 by the Associated General Contractors of America. AGC officials said that while firms are finding ways to add staff, a recent survey found 80 percent of contractors are having a hard time finding enough workers to hire.


AGC officials said that many firms are boosting pay and benefits, investing in more training programs and adopting new technologies and new techniques to become more efficient. Even with those changes, many firms report they are proposing longer construction schedules and charging more for projects because of labor shortages. That is why association officials are continuing to push Congress and the Trump administration to boost funding for career and technical education, pass comprehensive immigration reform and make it easier for construction students to qualify for federal Pell Grants.


“Despite the many steps this industry is taking, there are still too many high-paying construction career positions that remain vacant,” said Stephen E. Sandherr, AGC’s chief executive officer. “Congress and the administration can help put more people into good jobs by investing in school and workforce training programs that expose them to careers in construction.”

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