A Brief History of AWCI


March 11, 1918

The Contracting Plasterers’ International Association—forerunner to the Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry—forms when 26 lathing and contracting plasterers from 12 cities gather at the Hamilton Hotel in Washington, D.C.

Oct. 2–3, 1929

Approximately 250 people attend CPIA’s 12th Annual Convention in California.


CPIA coordinates work on the Code of Fair Competition for the Plastering and Lathing Contracting Industry and obtains average wage scales for some 400 cities.


CPIA provides workplace wages and hours to the National Recovery Administration’s deputy administrator.

June 27, 1934

After receiving CPIA’s input, President Roosevelt issues the Code of Fair Competition for the Plastering and Lathing Contracting Industry.


CPIA forms a national industry promotion committee that included trade associations representing metal lath, gypsum and others.

Aug. 1, 1945

CPIA helps form the National Foundation for Lathing and Plastering, Inc.


CPIA has about $8,000 in the bank and 135 members.


Plastering Industries becomes the official publication of CPIA in 1947.


CPIA has about 500 members and a bank balance of $6,160.

June 20, 1950

CPIA president Edmond F. Venzie tells CPIA’s board of directors about “attacks by Dry-Wall interests against lathing and plastering.”


The National Bureau for Lathing and Plastering forms in Denver 1952 (incorporated in 1953) to promote the industry.


Wally Stabbert and Joe Baker Jr. become CPIA’s first full-time employees. Stabbert was the western field representative, Baker was the executive secretary.

Oct. 24, 1957

Delegates to CPIA’s 40th Annual Convention changed the association’s bylaws to include: “The name of this Corporation shall be Contracting Plasterers’ and Lathers’ International Association.”


The Gypsum Drywall Contractors International forms.


William A. Duguid of Chicago pushes CPLIA to develop a five-year plan. An end result was the formation of the Continuing Study Council (AWCI’s Continuing Study Committee today), which Duguid chaired.


CPLIA changed its name in 1969 to iaWCC—the international association of the Wall & Ceiling Contractors.


Assisted by Inland-Ryerson Construction Products Co. (later Inryco Inc.), iaWCC releases the first ever Steel Stud Framing booklet.

August 1974

iaWCC launches a new magazine, Construction Dimensions.


iaWCC’s board of directors passes Resolution No. 2—“a policy position in support of the use of automatic tools in the drywall industry.”

July 2, 1976

The Gypsum Drywall Contractors International and the international association of the Wall & Ceiling Contractors merge, creating iaWCC/GDCI.


iaWCC/GDCI establishes the Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry.

July 1, 1979

iaWCC/GDCI becomes the Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industries—International.


President Gerald Ford speaks at 1980’s 63rd AWCI Annual Convention about the U.S. economy and the energy sector.

March 1980

Before the 63rd Annual Convention in Phoenix, AWCI presents a two-day event, “Short Course on Panelization,” to more than 150 contractors, suppliers and manufacturers’ representatives.


AWCI helps to form the Construction Industry Coalition for the New Beginning, an alliance of construction associations supporting Ronald Reagan’s economic program.


AWCI helps found the Exterior Insulation Manufacturers Association (now the EIFS Industry Members Association).


The Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry’s first auction fundraiser raises $40,000.


For the first time, supplier members are elected to the AWCI board of directors.


The Asbestos Abatement Council of AWCI is formed.


For the first time, AWCI’s membership base passes the 1,000 mark.


The Asbestos Abatement Council of AWCI sponsors the First Annual World Congress on Asbestos Abatement, which features 55 educational sessions and 100 exhibitors.


The Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry publishes “Light Gage Steel Framing Primer: A Guide to Understanding and Application.”

August 1996

AWCI’s website, awci.org, makes its debut.


AWCI presents its first Excellence in Construction Quality Awards.


AWCI presents its first Excellence in Construction Safety Award.


AWCI produces its first publication in Spanish, the 44-page, “AWCI Employee Safety Handbook, Spanish Edition.”

December 1998

AWCI launches the EIFS—Doing It Right® program.


Anne Daly of P.J. Daly Contracting Ltd., Hamilton, Ontario, becomes the first woman and first Canadian to receive AWCI’s highest honor, the Pinnacle Award.


The Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry’s Research Series begins publishing. The first paper helped contractors understand the mold issue and remediation.


AWCI drafts an immigration policy as a result of legislation enacted after 9/11. AWCI acknowledges the importance of national security but also calls for legislation that would allow immigrants to remain in the United States.


The AWCI Insurance Company Ltd. is incorporated in Bermuda to provide general liability insurance at competitive rates for association members needing coverage on EIFS projects.

December 2005

AWCI and the Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry launch AWCI CARES to assist AWCI member employees and their families who face a hardship.


AWCI’s Steel—Doing It Right® education program makes its debut at Academy.


AWCI’s membership tops 2,200.

January 2013

The first Exterior Envelope—Doing It Right® is presented.


AWCI introduces the Excellence in Construction Innovation Award.


AWCI launches the Project Manager Development Series, an on-demand webinar program for industry managers.

March 24–28, 2018

AWCI members celebrate AWCI’s 100 years of success at the annual convention in Lake Buena Vista, Fla.

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