AWCI’s Excellence in Construction Safety Award

Ronsco, Inc., Monsey, New York

Describe how you believe your safety program saved you money.

Estimating. While reviewing plans and specifications, estimators review job safety requirements and logistics with project management to ensure accurate pricing. This allows us to be as competitive as possible without having to allow for worst-case scenarios. The result is a 10 percent increase bid win percentage, and it lowers estimating error by 10 percent.

Pre-job Planning. At the kick-off meeting on site, the estimator and project manager review and communicate safety procedures and production estimates for the project. As the foreman engineers safety into the project, he is also planning for optimum production and work flow. This results in a 10 percent labor savings.

Direct Costs. A reduced workers’ compensation experience modification rating saves us more than 15 percent. By minimizing our safety group’s losses, we earn an additional 15 percent dividend on policy premium. By having minimal losses, our general liability premium is at the lowest rate available to our industry classification—up to a 50 percent discount from a contractor with average losses. As umbrella premium is a function of losses and underlying general liability premium, the lower the G/L premium, the lower the umbrella premium, also resulting in up to a 50 percent premium savings.

Indirect Costs. Lost time and retraining employees can affect your bottom line by 10 percent or greater. This is especially true if a foreman or key person with a specific skill set is injured. This can leave you scrambling to cover multiple projects and not giving full attention as you normally would, creating inefficiencies. If you must re-train employees or other available employees who are not as productive as the injured employee, it costs you money. We notice improved cash flow available as a result of minimal injuries.

Industry Recognition/Public Relations. This leads to a competitive advantage. We are not competing just on price. This could add up to another 10 percent to your bottom line.

Tell us what makes your safety program work.

Management Commitment. Make management’s commitment clear to all employees and others on site by always wearing required personal protective equipment. Discipline employees for unsafe practices and, more importantly, acknowledge company-wide and reward everyone for working safely.

Continuous On- and Off-the-Job Safety Training and Hazard Awareness Programs. Provide weekly toolbox talks and information/awareness sheets on a relevant topic that applies to an on- or off-the-job risk. Distribute, review and engage all employees on its relevance, encourage feedback and implement it into safety practices. Make every person accountable for the safety of themselves and coworkers. At quarterly foreman and safety training meetings, review all accidents and near misses and update Best Practices. Make biannual company-wide safety training programs and certifications mandatory for all company employees.

Use AWCI’s eSafetyLine Web-based Safety Software. If you are starting a safety program or have an award-winning safety program, AWCI’s eSafetyLine application has up-to-the-minute model documents, compliance guides, checklists, sample safety programs, accident and near-miss reporting and tracking, links to all OSHA standards and documents. It is also an excellent way to record all safety training.

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