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AWCI’s Excellence in Construction Safety Awards 2014

Category: Between Fewer than 300,000 Annual Man-Hours

The winner in the category for companies with fewer than 300,000 annual man-hours once again goes to Raymond – San Diego, Inc., the company that also won the award last year.


Raymond – San Diego, Inc. believes that the attainment of a healthy, injury-free work environment starts at the top. Its senior management leaders are committed to creating a safety culture in which every injury is considered preventable, because the safety and health of each employee is a core company value.


They also have proved that a vibrant safety program is a direct contributor to the company’s bottom line: over the past 8 years, Raymond estimates a combined total savings in insured and uninsured costs of more than $18.5 million.


Raymond has established line management ownership for safety. Because managers and supervisors create and control the workplace environment where incidents and injuries occur, they have the greatest influence in modeling safe behavior with their employees. The company believes safety performance can excel only when line management is held as responsible for safety as it is for production output, quality and cost management.


All Raymond employees are held to the same high standard for safety performance. Not only are rules, regulations and procedures taught, they are reinforced consistently. Employees are recognized for their safe practices and performance, and counseled for failure to follow safe and healthful practices.


Raymond believes safety is a shared responsibility that can be met only by working continuously to promote safe work practices among all its employees, and to maintain property and equipment in safe operating condition.

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