AWCI Is Flourishing

Time flies. It seems I just finished last month’s article for the magazine and it’s that time again.

AWCI’s Executive Committee just returned from Niagara Falls where it held its June meeting marking the end of the association year. We reviewed the outcome of the association’s year and approved the 2008–2009 budget and programs.

The Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry is in great shape financially, and our programs such as Steel—Doing It Right and EIFS—Doing it Right continue to do well and lend credence to the advantages of belonging to this association. (Take a look at AWCI on the Job, page 10, for a big announcement regarding the new Stucco—Doing It Right program.) Our March convention in Las Vegas was a tremendous success, largely because of the continued growth of our loyal members and exhibitors. Our insurance company is still growing and evolving to meet the needs of our members wherever they are located.

I also recently attended our annual AWCI Education Committee meeting in Chicago with your group of peers involved in the planning of next year’s seminars. They have done a great job. We have great topics for our 2008 fall conference, the 2009 convention and Academy. Please plan on attending these functions, which are designed to update and educate you on sector trends and advantages of being a part of this industry.

Speaking of industry topics, this month’s issue of AWCI’s Construction Dimensions includes a story about safety—which should never be far from your focal point, and the ever-popular and eagerly anticipated yearly Buyers’ Guide.

It is now summer, and I am sure all of you are in the middle of your busy season. Work safe, work smart and plan now to see your peers in Hawaii in October for our Industry Executives’ Conference & Committee Week.

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