Controlling Our Destiny

I want to thank the membership of the Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industries—International for the opportunity to represent them during the next 12 months. To make the association even stronger than it is now, there are several key issues that need addressing, and I plan to take an active role in that process.

One of the association’s recent highlights was the formation of its own insurance company. It was a big accomplishment, and this year we will work on broadening the scope of coverage to include more contractors.

Contract language is another issue I’d like to look at. Many of us are signing contracts for projects for which we can’t get insurance coverage. If you are doing business with an insurance agent that doesn’t understand our industry, you could be setting yourself up for big trouble.

I look forward to other developments this year, such as the working to create a national education program for steel framing. It will be equally interesting to see what new innovations in fireproofing technology come about that address the types of problems that occurred on 9/11.

After 40 years in this industry (see the feature story on me, page 40) I’ve seen a lot of changes, but never has change come upon us so fast as it has in recent years. To keep up with it all, I think it is important that our industry maintain a forward thinking attitude. Be open minded to new ideas, technology and innovations. I will try and make a point of being accessible, so if you have an issue you’d like to discuss, please contact me.

Just to wrap up, I’d like to see our industry more in control of its own destiny. But neither I, nor the lone executive, can make that happen alone. We need your help. I would suggest that every member consider getting involved in a committee of his choice. Whether you choose an AWCI technical committee, the Union Contractors’ Council, or one of the industry related committees, your active participation will help us move forward in these fast paced times. We can control our fate, but we have to work together to do it.

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