Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry Logo

Convention Is Where It’s At

You’ve been subjected to similar messages in the AWCI pre-convention issue of this magazine, and I’m not one to break with tradition. Fact is, you should come to our convention next month.

Past AWCI presidents have told you the same thing I’m about to tell you, and for good
reason. Coming to AWCI’s annual convention and exposition, also known as AWCI’s
Expo: Construction Directions, benefits you as well as your company and the industry as a whole.

You yourself will have the opportunity to interact with your peers. You’ll know you’re not alone when it comes to everything from bidding to employee relations. Your company
gains because you’ll learn about everything from the newest products to the current issues and techniques for dealing with them.

This convention, which is the largest and only one that serves the contractors, manufacturers
and suppliers in our industry, has something for everyone. Your safety directors should be there for the Safety Directors Forum, which is growing in popularity and is as much of an educational even as it is a therapeutic one. Safety directors have issues that are diverse and complicated, and it’s just a plain, ole good thing for them to get together
to know that they’re not alone in their quest of zero accidents on the job site. Same goes for estimators, field personnel, presidents, owners and vice presidents you’re not
alone. That’s the one message that’s conveyed throughout the convention.

The education portion of the convention includes everything from insurance to mold to building codes. Doesn’t that pretty much cover your immediate concerns? How can you not be there? The fact that the convention is in New Orleans is just the icing on the cake. Make plans to be there, March 25-30. If you aren’t there, you’re just giving
your competitors a leg up and that’s not good for business.

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