My term as your AWCI president is at an end, but that does not mean it’s all over.
Although my presidential term is over, I now move into the immediate past president
Again, as I did last month, I thank my family, coworkers and colleagues, and the AWCI
staff for allowing the year to seem like such a short one. Thanks also to our sponsors,
members and exhibitors for your support for me as well as for your support of AWCI.
I leave you in the very capable hands of Bruce Miller, AWCI’s 2004-2005. Bruce is
viewed in high regard and with respect by his peers (myself included), and I look forward to the many things I am sure he will achieve in the coming year. This magazine will feature an article on Bruce next month, so you can get to know him a little better, if you don’t know him already.
Although I am going to be playing a different role in the association starting on July 1,
I am eager to watch the things that were started or continued in the last year The AWCI
Insurance Program, Ltd. continues to grow and gain popularity. Our EIFS education
program celebrated its fifth anniversary not too long ago, and it is showing no sign of
stopping. Our Foundation Research Series will continue to publish up-to-the-minute
information you need to have about the hot topics that are affecting you and your business. There are many more, but I won’t bore you with our “grocery list.”
It is programs like these that make me proud to be a member of AWCI, and even more
proud to have served as its president. Thank you for that opportunity.