Realistic Resolutions

I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and prosperous new year.

Well it’s that time of the year again when we all make our New Year’s resolutions to do better next year. Many of us start out with good intentions and high hopes of serious workouts such as jogging, swimming or some other form of physical exercise. Many people find out that after a week or two into the year, they have failed their mission.

What New Year’s resolutions will we be making for our business this year? Will we decide to put that training program into place for our employees to ensure we get maximum productivity from them? Will we get that new accounting system or estimating software that we have been promising our office staff? Or will we start out the New Year with good intentions and end up getting wrapped up in doing business as usual and let our ideas slip away for another year?

There is one realistic resolution that you can make, and the Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry can help you keep it. If you decide that this is the year to educate your work force you can start by sending your key people to AWCI’s Academy 2007 (Feb. 1–3) or bring them to the AWCI Annual Convention & Intex Expo this April in Orlando, Fla., so that they have the opportunity to walk the trade show floor to see what new products or tools are on the market.

Whatever your promising business resolutions are, I hope you follow through with them. Don’t let your good ideas go by the wayside as so many of us do with all of our other New Year’s resolutions.

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