I would like to welcome Jay Watt of National Gypsum as the incoming president of the Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry. So, what does the Foundation do for the industry, AWCI and its members? Its mission is to be an unbiased source of information and provide education to support the wall and ceiling industry. To help fulfill this, the Foundation has the largest independent library (the John H. Hampshire Memorial Library) to serve the wall and ceiling industry. The library provides research support, and it serves as a reference material resource. The Foundation Research Series are in-depth papers covering topics of interest to our industry. Other valuable resources at the library are a big benefit to members of the AWCI.
One the most important contributions made by the Foundation is AWCI CARES (Caring Action Relief in Emergency Situations). Funded by AWCI members and managed by the Foundation, AWCI CARES helps employees of AWCI member companies who have experienced a major illness, accident or hardship beyond their insurance and financial capabilities. Thanks to the program, several severely ill employees here at Baker Drywall have received help from AWCI CARES. That assistance has been instrumental in helping them and their families through tough financial times.
Since its inception, AWCI CARES has distributed more than $276,000 to AWCI families in need.
As you have read, the Foundation’s role in the membership benefits of AWCI is profound. So please join me in welcoming Jay as he steps up to lead the Foundation this year.
In addition to being 2018–2019 president of the Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry, Smith is president of Baker Drywall Austin, Ltd.