You just got a great resume from someone you’re thinking of hiring, and you decide to Google the guy to see what you can learn. You find his Facebook page, and you see that this 24-year-old male’s profile picture clearly shows him mooning the camera. Do you hire him? Why/why not?
Most of our anonymous respondents just said “no,” but some said a bit more than no, and some said “yes.” Here they are:
First of all, we don’t usually get résumés from field employees. If we did, and learned this about a good mechanic or laborer, I wouldn’t hesitate to hire him … with a word about being discreet on our jobs. We have many jobs that require, by contract, that we enforce good judgment and courteous behavior.
For a project manager or estimator, however, where there is much interface with customers and vendors, that person is the face of the company. Evidence of indiscreet behavior—compounded by the imprudence of advertising it publicly—will make him pretty much ineligible. And in this downturn economic climate, the availability of qualified, experienced personnel makes finding the right person easier.
—Robert A. Aird,
President, Robert A. Aird, Inc.,
Frederick, Maryland
Of course, as long as his qualifications are in order. We’ve all done stupid things in our life, and mooning is part of an American tradition, so as long as the individual has great credentials, the mooning should not be a factor. BTW, my Facebook page shows me mooning the camera also!!!
No. As matter of fact we just fired that joker last week!
No. I know Facebook pictures can easily be changed. So who knows who might see this picture before he takes it off. Of course, he could replace it with something more offensive. It is the reflection of his poor judgment that would take him off the list of candidates.
—John McElwee,
Fresno, California
I would hire him to chase permits, since his attitude is correct for dealing with government officials. If his wife took the picture, I would hire her instead.
—Chris Ball,
Ball CM, Inc.,
Valencia, California
No. We only hire Professionals.
It should have no bearing on you hiring him. If you have never done anything stupid in your life, you probably should have been a saint! Stop all the politically correct crap and use the brain God gave you.