Standard Design-Assist Contract Document

The ConsensusDocs Coalition is publishing the industry’s first standard contract document addressing design-assist. The ConsensusDocs 541 Design-Assist Addendum creates a contractual structure to better coordinate design professionals, construction managers and subcontractors in developing and constructing design documents. The document tackles the difficult task of defining the range of design-assist services, including constructability reviews before design completion; owner’s program review; recommended procurement of materials; prefabrication recommendations; cost estimating; integrated value analysis; design-build packaging and coordinated milestone scheduling. Optional design-assist services are identified including life cycle cost analysis; risk analysis; sustainability and production planning. By gaining the early involvement of builders’ expertise and coordinating those efforts with design teams, greater project cohesion and efficiency is achieved.


This design-assist addendum coordinates with the ConsensusDocs 305 Lean Construction Addendum by allowing users to opt into several Lean construction tools and processes. The Lean and design-assist addendums work well together or independently.

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