Can the workforce shortage be solved by making it easier for immigrants to enter the country? And for the ones who are already here, can we find a way to keep them here (providing they are of the good, hard-working variety). Some AWCI members say it can be done, or at a minimum, it will help—a lot. We have workers in this country who want to work, pay taxes and just have a better life than they would have in their country of birth.
Immigration involves different considerations. For example, there are those trying to get into the United States, those who have been living here illegally for years, and those who were born here. There are several schools of thought about how to handle the situation, but no one has an answer that will satisfy everyone. I don’t have the answer either, but AWCI members have some ideas. The fact is, many in our industry are facing a severe lack of qualified, skilled tradespeople, and something needs to be done—now.
Check out the article on page 34 to learn what AWCI members and AWCI say about the issue, and what they think the future will bring. Also note that immigration is the subject of this month’s InSync, which is on page 26.
Our next feature, which starts on page 44, is a fun read for everyone. It’s about a career in construction estimating along with five good reasons why it may not be the ideal job, but you don’t have to be an estimator to get a laugh or two out of it. Mr. Saucerman, our writer, has a way of appealing to the masses.
Our annual Corporate Profile section begins on page 50. The companies presented here have names you definitely know, and you’ll want to find out what their plans are for 2019.
Lastly, I want to wish all of you the best for 2019 and thank you for being a loyal reader and/or AWCI member in 2018. For me personally, 2018 was a terrible year. Professionally, it was one of the best, and not just because AWCI celebrated 100 years and I celebrated 25 years with AWCI. It’s because of people like you, especially those who take time to be interviewed for our articles, those who call or write to me with story ideas, or those who just want to have a quick conversation with me at industry events. You know who you are, and I am eager to join you in whatever adventures 2019 has to offer. Let’s keep in touch and make it a great year!