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Looking Good!

I need to start by thanking the regular readers of my article who have recently sent comments to me. (You know who you are—Wayne, Rob, Archie, etc.) Of course I’m always happy to hear from a reader, and knowing that you’re happy with our magazine’s new look and feel lets me know we’re on the right track. I was also inspired and encouraged by the responses I got to my question about what you’re looking forward to in the construction industry of tomorrow. There is a lot of optimism out there!


That same optimism was reflected in the contractor attendees I met during AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo in Long Beach, Calif., at the end of April. As you might expect, labor issues are the hot button, but overall, everyone was happy with their backlogs and glad to be “back in business.” And the Intex Expo was probably the busiest I’ve seen it in many, many years. I’ve never had so many appointments with exhibitors who wanted to talk to me about their latest innovations.


Speaking of innovations, remember that AWCI’s Excellence in Construction Innovation Award nominations for 2016 will be accepted this summer, as will the nominations for the 2016 quality awards. Keep an eye on AWCI’s website (, along with AWCI’s Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts for more information, which will be available this summer. AWCI members should also watch their e-mailboxes for information and updates. (Yes, you have to be an AWCI member to win an AWCI award; can help you there, too.)


And now for this year’s winners! You’ll find all the details on AWCI’s 2015 award winners beginning on page 44. That includes the best of the best when it comes to quality construction and safety, so please be sure to give it some time. Also, by the time you receive this magazine, the videos about the winners and winning projects should be online, so check out “AWCImedia” on YouTube when you have a free moment.

Other articles in this issue are just as valuable. Go to page 32 to find out about how fraud in DBE contract procurement has led to greater enforcement. In this educational article, AWCI’s general counsel advises what to watch for and how to cover your you-know-what when you’re involved with this kind of job.


Then continue on to page 38 where interviews with members of the industry lead to ways to unravel all the information that flows to you throughout the day via various devices. How do you sort it out? When do you find the time? How do you know what’s important and what to delete, just by reading a subject line? You want to make sure you are receiving—and noticing—the information you want and need, so read this article to learn a few pointers.

As always, I invite you to keep me posted on your work. When you have a free moment, send me an email or comment on my Facebook page to tell me what you’re doing. Perhaps there’s a story in it? Even if you don’t have time to drop me a line, please do consider entering AWCI’s awards program. If your company is an AWCI member that does quality work, has a great safety program or invented a product or service that’s going to change the industry, AWCI’s awards program is for you! Contact me with any questions. My email is [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you!

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