Welcome to our new look! We’ve given the Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry’s official publication a makeover, and we know you will like the results.
The pages of AWCI’s Construction Dimensions now have a fresh, modern look that will appeal to readers of all ages, yet we maintain the class and prestige that accompanies AWCI’s nearly
100-year-old reputation.
You’ll also notice that our magazine feels different, too. That’s our new paper, something we haven’t changed in a long time. I’ve noticed that many high-end magazines use this kind of paper, often in the architecture world, and I especially like how color photos are represented on this paper. They “pop” more, don’t they?
None of this would have been possible—everything from the paper you’re touching to the typeface you’re reading, if it weren’t for the creative stylings of Craig Wood, AWCI’s designer. All the credit goes to him; I just gave him the words, and he turned it into the gem you’re now (hopefully) admiring. I think he took the best of news magazines and the best of men’s magazines and created the best looking magazine in our industry.
But it’s not about what I think, it’s your opinion that matters. Please email me at [email protected] to let me know your thoughts, or come see me in booth 529 at the INTEX Expo at the end of the month in Long Beach, Calif. You can also find me on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
Speaking of great photos, check out the story on page 58. Our friends at California Drywall did some remarkable work on the San Francisco Airport’s new terminal, a $138 million LEED Gold renovation. This terminal has things in it—a yoga studio?—that I never imagined you could find at an airport, so you know California Drywall had some challenges to overcome.
And speaking of challenges, now that back- logs are growing stronger, so is the risk of bid shopping. How do you avoid the risk? How can you protect yourself? AWCI’s general counsel answers all your questions in the article that starts on page 49.
But the primary focus of this issue is safety. The article that you’ll find on page 41 asks AWCI member contractors how they balance a lack of qualified labor with safety requirements. Some people out there just want to get the men on the job site, sacrificing safety, but AWCI members aren’t among them. Read the article to learn how they’re making it work, then have a look at “Problem Solved” on page 64 to learn how our readers say no to a GC.
Also along the lines of safety—or lack thereof, is the increasing use of wood framing in mid-rise buildings. Recent fires in these buildings and their devastating effects in New Jersey, Wisconsin and many other states have the steel industry fighting back against the wood industry’s campaigns. Larry Williams, executive director of the Steel Framing Industry Association, explains what’s going on in the article on page 52.
You will find a related article, one that is more specific to the fire in New Jersey, and more information in “AWCI on the Job” on page 8. This is an issue that AWCI and SFIA will continue to follow as local laws and regulations may change and lead to national changes that could impact our industry.