Buildings or Testaments
The December 2003 issue’s article on religious building projects proved sufficiently popular that we decided a follow-up was called for. While several voiced the same concern about the people element being a challenge: “Working for a committee is the number-one challenge on the list. You have to please 10 people, and it’s not the […]
13 Ways to De-Stress Holiday Vacations
It comes as no surprise that holiday vacations generate a lot of stress. Hectic travel plans, added expenses and family reunions can take the joy out of the holidays and return people to work more frazzled than when they left. For many people, these are paid vacations, and managers need to make sure the […]
Qualities of the Estimator
Many industries utilize the title “estimator.” We have adjusters in the insurance industry, primarily in property and automotive areas, referred to as estimators. Appraisers are frequently associated with the estimator title. It is rare when the skills of these professions can effectively transition into the construction industry. Few actually have the skills needed […]
Future Contractor
The winner of the 2005 Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry’s $10,000 scholarship is Ryan M. Weis, son of Mark R. Weis, who is president of George Weis Company in Millstadt, Ill. He is a sophomore at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind., where he is fulfilling the requirements of his major, construction engineering […]
Time Management Issues
Shifting priorities and crisis management. Crisis management is actually the form of management preferred by most managers, or it is their not improve with age. The inability to say “no!” The general rule is, if people can dump their work or problems on to your shoulders, they will do it. Some of the most […]
The Tough (Family) Tradition of Plastering
The offspring of the second generation of Braun Plastering Company, Jefferson City, Mo., carry on what they learned from their parents. Here’s how it started. George Braun, was born and raised in central Missouri. After serving in the Navy, he married, and he and his wife, Rita, moved to Kansas City where he could […]
Revisit Business Plan
With the new year around the corner, it is time to revisit our business plans. You probably noticed that the contracts you are signing transfer all risk to you. You are liable for any negligence on the part of general contractors, owners or home builders. The current contract document language erodes our hope that […]
Shining Example
A slick looking and highly functional space for one San Francisco company does more than provide an exceptional environment for its employees. It also reflects the company’s work to the outside world. The architectural and design firm Hellmuth, Obata + Kassabaum (HOK) completed the renovation of its two-story office at One Bush Street in […]
Unified Facilities Guide Specifications Now Require EIFS Inspectors
The Unified Facilities Guide Specifications used by the Corps of Engineers, Naval Facilities Engineering Command and NASA for their construction projects have a new requirement involving exterior insulation and finish systems: UFGS is now requiring a third-party inspector. On the particular project brought to AWCI’s attention by member Vince Nihipali Sr. of V&C Drywall, in […]