Converting Change to Cha-ching!
“It’s been a long, a long time comin’, but I know a change gonna come.” —Sam Cooke How many times have you seen the boat at the marina or seen the photo in which the yacht or the opulent houseboat is named “Change Order” and the dinghy alongside is called “Original […]
Preparing for the Future, Part 4
In this fourth and final article of this series, we’ll look at some of the dominant behavioral characteristics of successful owners and managers. Clear sense of purpose. If you don’t have a clear vision, what will be clear is that the team won’t have one either. It is critical that, before work begins, […]
Preparing for the Future
According to the feedback I have received, our Industry Executives’ Conference & Committee Week this fall in San Juan, Puerto Rico, was a great successful. As you know, part of our agenda is to nominate and approve board members for future positions. So, I would like to congratulate Craig Daley, president of Daley’s Drywall & […]
What is your company doing to keep its employees motivated during this slow time?
Honestly, there is no way to keep anyone motivated. We are surprised when they continue to show up on Monday mornings. I look forward to the response on this one. —Anonymous Hello AWCI. As a Canadian subscriber, we are not having these issues at this time. We are at present, and […]
Hidden Costs of Building Green
An interesting question came across my desk the other day that caused a bit of a quandary, and with all of the emphasis on green building and LEED® certification, I am sure some of you will also find yourself scratching your head as to what to do. The question had to do with storing drywall […]
Being the only word in the English language I know of that sports three double letters in a row (“ookkee”) is not the only thing bookkeeping has going for it. Boring though it may appear on the surface, it can, and often does, hold the key to business survival. Mention bookkeeping […]
Have You Got an Economic Plan?
Wall and ceiling contractors handle economic planning in various ways. Some firms take a formal approach: “We gather data and put it in an Excel spreadsheet,” says Ron Lauer, controller at Denver Drywall Company, Englewood, Colo. Others focus on the bottom line: “With the economy as it is there’s not much […]
The 411 on Staying Warm
There is a Norwegian proverb: “There is no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothes.” Following this line of logic, your employees should never be cold, no matter what the weather, if they are properly clothed for the weather at hand. There really is quite a bit of truth to this proverb especially […]
AWCI on the Job
Foundation White Paper Has Been Mailed All AWCI members have received their copy of the new white paper in the Research Series of the Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry, Building Information Modeling: Understanding and Operating in a New Paradigm. Building Information Modeling: Understanding and Operating in a New Paradigm, […]