AWCI on the Job
Early Bird Deadline for AWCI’s Doing It Right Seminars at Academy Is Jan. 4 Save $50 on your registration fees for AWCI’s Doing It Right Seminars at Academy when you sign up by Jan. 4. The holidays may be a bit of a distraction, so register today! During this meeting AWCI […]
Looks Like Business as Usual on the Hill

After all the campaigning, debating, advertisements, emails, robocalls and the expenditure of hundreds of millions of dollars by both of the candidates, it will be business as usual in our country and more of the same. If you were fortunate enough to grow your business in the last four years, then I wish you all […]
Baby, It’s Cold Outside—and Inside
Not that you need reminding, but cold weather is here at least for most of the country. With cold weather comes the need to ensure the work space is properly conditioned environmentally. The requirements for conditioning the building are well known and well documented; most manufacturers clearly state these requirements in their product literature. […]
“Try to remember the kind of September, when grass was green and grain was yellow.”—Tom Jones/Harvey Schmidt Well I’ll be damned if you didn’t finally hit on one! And not just another mid-size build-out like the ones that have been trickling down the pipeline for months, but a full-blown exterior/interior, triple-scope, […]
Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

C arbon monoxide gas is an ever-present fact of life these days. It’s found anywhere combustion occurs, which is pretty much everywhere. In small amounts it presents no threat, but in larger amounts it can be very dangerous—even deadly. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, carbon monoxide poisoning is the leading cause of […]
Man of Steel

T his past August, the Steel Framing Industry Association hired Larry Williams to be its executive director. AWCI’s Construction Dimensions sat down with Larry to discuss the current state and future of the cold-formed steel industry. ACD: What are the three top issues facing the cold-formed steel industry today, and how is the […]
What Does the Future Hold?

The most common complaint among contractors today seems to be the acute lack of crystal balls, for there’s no telling the future without one, it seems. Or is there? Perhaps. For would not a frank assessment of current activity levels compared to those of both the recent and […]
The Appetite for Information, Part 3
Last month I left you with a warning. Prior to that I described the downside of technology and couldn’t help but vent about just how “rude” technology can be. Ready or not, here it comes, and no matter where we are, there it is. Yes, it awaits us, oh so impatiently and begging for our […]
Holiday Leads
A Note from the Editor: We asked you nearly the same question in 2006, and I was curious to see if your answers would change considering the way the economy has tumbled in the last six years. Your answers did change, but not in the way I thought they would. Here is the […]