
of the Wall and Ceiling Industry

Last year, the Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry leadership developed a three-year strategic plan and revised its Vison and Mission statements.

Vision: To champion the wall and ceiling industry’s efforts to grow and care for our community.

Mission: To provide resources to grown research to inform, and philanthropy to CARE, in support of the wall and ceiling industry.

Walls and Ceiling Industry: Trends Report

With funding and support from the Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry, AWCI partnered with FMI to conduct a comprehensive study of member industry trends. The findings from this study are intended to provide market insights that enable member companies and AWCI to think strategically about the market and their businesses.

The report findings have also been shared through a free webinar now on-demand, Understanding the Evolving Market Dynamics, presented by FMI Partner Paul Trombitas.

The report aims to

CARES stands for Caring Action Relief in Emergency Situation and is a financial assistance program of the Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry to help the employees and families of the AWCI member companies who have experienced a major illness, accident or hardship beyond their insurance and financial capabilities.

Since its inception in 2005, AWCI CARES has awarded $437,111 in grants.

In 2024, CARES awarded $30,000 in grants.

One grant applicant was dealing with the unexpected death of her husband and she diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. AWCI CARES was able to provide financial assistance while undergoing treatment.

Foundation Strategic Planning and Industry Growth with Peter Wilhelms

Here are some words from those affected by the

"I cannot express enough for my appreciation for this help! Thank you so much!"

The applicant

"Thank you so much. I know this has lifted a huge burden and we are all so very appreciative."

HR Director

"Thank you for supporting our colleague and her family in this very challenging time. You are making a BIG impact on a really great lady and her family! We really appreciate your support!"

VP of Operations

"On behalf of my colleague and everyone here at our company, we want to extend our sincere appreciation for all that you and the AWCI CARES committee has done for her. Thank you!"


Over this last fiscal year, the Foundation sponsored a webinar, U.S. Construction Outlook: Torrid or Tepid?, by industry economist Ken Simonson.

The Foundation also contributed to the Hawaii Wall and Ceiling Industry Association Scholarship Fund.