Reports and Trends

AWCI and the Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry work with research partners to conduct studies, surveys and trend reports to stay abreast of the wall and ceiling industry and to help provide information and resources to our members.

As new studies and reports become available, we will share with our members and through this area of the website.

Wall and Ceiling Industry Trends Report (October 2024)

With funding and support from the Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry, AWCI partnered with FMI to conduct a comprehensive study of member industry trends. The findings from this study are intended to provide market insights that enable member companies and AWCI to think strategically about the market and their businesses.

  • Gauge member companies’ near-term sentiments on the performance of the overall economy, the construction industry and their businesses.
  • Explore areas of increasing importance and strategic priorities for their companies
  • Determine top concerns among contractors, manufacturers and suppliers.
  • Assess member companies’ sentiments on the competitive landscape, current issues and business operations.

The report findings were also shared through a free webinar (now on-demand), Understanding the Evolving Market Dynamics, presented by FMI Partner Paul Trombitas.

A composition of diverse contractors doing various research activites.