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Crane is used for construction on a building

EIFS - Doing It Right®

Learn about the proper installation and inspection of EIFS according to industry standards and earn a national certificate.


Stay up-to-date with industry standards for correct installation.


Prepare yourself to meet future mandates and insurance requirements.

Get listed on AWCI’s
National Certification Registry


Your company will qualify for the EIFSmart Contractor Seal

Certification Categories

EIFS Mechanics

For EIFS mechanics who want to improve their understanding and knowledge of EIFS.

EIFS Industry Professionals

For EIFS industry professionals who want to learn more about proper EIFS application and inspection techniques to better perform their job.

EIFS Inspectors

For inspectors who want to learn correct application procedures for EIFS and how to evaluate EIFS installations for compliance with contract documents and recognized industry standards.

About the Course

Instruction is based on best practices and industry-accepted standards, primarily ASTM C1397 focused on Class PB EIFS (a polymer-based system).

The program is a voluntary, industry-led effort that recognizes individuals who have met established criteria for experience and education and achieved specified standards as measured by the course assessments.

All EIFS courses are online and self-paced.

Instruction covers essential knowledge and techniques for correct EIFS installations and proper inspections. It is based on best practices and industry-accepted standards, primarily ASTM C1397. The focus of the course is Class PB EIFS (a polymer-based system) and is geared to new commercial construction. The course is not intended to replace physical on-the-job training or wet wall instruction, nor is it designed to teach inspection of existing residential construction or forensic material.

Modules 3-16 have required assessments that participants must pass before moving on to the next module. When all modules and assessment have been successfully completed, participants will be awarded certification from AWCI in their designated category. Certificate holders are then expected to comply with AWCI’s Codes of Conduct which are included in the online registration form for each category.

  • Module 1: Introduction to EIFS—Doing It Right®
  • Module 2: EIFS—A Systems Approach
  • Module 3: Site Conditions and Requirements
  • Module 4: Substrates
  • Module 5: Water Management
  • Module 6: EPS Board Characteristics
  • Module 7: EPS Board Attachment—Part 1
  • Module 8: EPS Board Attachment—Part 2
  • Module 9: EPS Board Attachment—Part 3
  • Module 10: Reinforcing Mesh and Base Coat
  • Module 11: Finish Coat
  • Module 12: Sealants
  • Module 13: Maintenance and Repair
  • Module 14-16: Design and Inspection of EIFS
  • Module 17: Bonus

The course content is presented using narrated slides featuring graphics, animations and video clips. The content is not product-specific; referral to the EIFS manufacturer is advised as situations dictate.

Each course module includes a printable version of the course slides. Participants can print these or save them to their electronic devices for the purpose of study, taking notes and future reference.

Diversified Interiors

“Our selling point is, we are an EIFSmart Contractor. This is very reassuring for a general contractor or owner because they know we know what we’re doing”

- Matt Fleck, Corporate Secretary, Fleck Exterior Systems, Inc.

EIF Smart Contactor

A recognition awarded to companies that are committed to quality workmanship in EIFS installations.

The company demonstrates its merit and commitment through EIFS education and certification. Once EIFSmart Contractor eligibility requirements are met, the company agrees to adhere to a Code of Ethics.

National Individual Certification Registry

EIFS - Doing It Right® program graduates are authorized to use designations after their names to recognize their achievement and communicate their credential to others.

AWCI has established Codes of Conduct for certificate holders for each of the programs. There is also a Process for the Resolution of Complaints should any be brought against certificate holders.

Certificate holders will be listed on the National Certification Registry on AWCI’s website and will receive a wall certificate. In addition, they will be able to use the logo associated with their category of certification on promotional materials, and they are authorized to use designations after their name to recognize their achievement and communicate it to others:


Certified EIFS Mechanic


Certified EIFS Industry Professional


Certified EIFS Inspector

Get Certified

If your employer is an AWCI member, you qualify for the AWCI Member Rate. To verify an employer’s membership status, contact Annemarie Selvitelli:

(703) 538-1608 or [email protected].

Renew Certification

EIFS certificates are issued for a limited time: three years for inspectors, and five years for mechanics and industry professionals. If you are recertifying (your current EIFS certificate expires at the end of this year), you would pay the applicable recertifying rate.

EIMA Member Pricing

We are offering special pricing on our EIFS–Doing It Right®: Second Edition to EIMA members.

New applicant: $450
Recertifying applicant: $350


Certification Costs
Category Member Rate Non-member  Rate Years
EIFS Mechanics $275 $600 5
EIFS Mechanics Recertifying $225 $450 5
EIFS Industry Professionals $300 $600 5
EIFS Industry Professionals Recertifying $250 $450 5
EIFS Inspectors $300 $600 3
EIFS Inspectors Recertifying $250 $450 3


Please note that you will have six months from the date you receive your course login email from AWCI to complete the course. Course fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Additional Education Opportunity

Gain a deeper understanding of EIFS applications, techniques and industry best practices through this FREE, AIA continuing credit course from EIMA.

Inquire Now

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Frequently Asked Questions

If you would like to register multiple employees for an EIFS certification, you must create separate user portals for each of the employees with their own contact information and completed profile.

Each employee must complete the application and submit it for approval.

AWCI’s systems are designed with a single sign-on (SSO). This requires each individual tohave their login and password. To do this, each individual must create their profile with a unique email address.

Once their applications are approved and invoice is paid, an email will be sent to each individual email with instructions to access the course.

An individual cannot share a log in credentials as each individual must agree to the code of conduct and have their own unique course access.

If you’d like to bundle multiple employees’ invoices to one account for payment, we can do this on the administrative side.

All you need to provide (via email at [email protected]) are the first and last names of the employees you would like to bundle, along with which courses they applied for.

You can access the course by logging into the user portal.

Next, go to your profile, click My Learning Programs, click Content, click the EIFS
Course and scroll to the last section you left off on to continue working on your EIFS—
Doing it Right® course.

To view each of the target participants, pre-qualifications for acceptance as well as the benefits for each course, head to each of these webpages to view the course specific information.

  • EIFS Mechanic
  • EIFS Industry Professional
  • EIFS Inspector
    • Only an EIFS Inspector is conducting inspections.
    • If someone from an engineering, science, and architecture consulting firm is conducting inspections, he/she would apply for an EIFS inspector category.
    • The inspector category requires an individual to be an independent inspector. Those currently employed by contractors, manufacturers or distributors are not eligible for the EIFS Inspector category. It would be a conflict of interest if they were inspecting their own work or product.
  • Note: An individual can only hold one certificate at any one time.

Please allow our staff up to two business days to update the site for newest certificate holders.

If you have a deadline that is earlier than two business days after completion of the course, contact [email protected] and we will update it as soon as possible.

We cannot transfer you to another category, however, you can apply to the desired category.

As far as payment, we can invoice you for the difference in pricing of the newly applied course.

Reach out to [email protected] with your name, email and which module you are working on and we will be happy to assist you with next steps.

If you want to change your personal information, log in to your account, click on your profile, and click My Info. By clicking the “change” button in the upper right corner, you can the fields listed in each category (Contact Information, Communication Information and Address Information).

If your company information is incorrect, you company’s primary contact can log in and make the necessary adjustments through the address book.

If you are changing companies, reach out to [email protected] with your name, email, previous employer, new employer and, if possible, the name and email of your new point of contact at your former company.

If you have employees who do not have your company name tied to their email domain (e.g., [email protected]), it will create an individual “Household” account. In order to receive the member rate, the employee must be added to your company account profile.

To add employees to your company account, your primary contact on the company account record must add them manually.

To do this, the primary contact on the company account should log in to his/her user portal, click on his/her profile and select Company Roster on the left side.

Next, click “New Entry” and enter the information for each of the fields associated with the employee’s contact information (the same information used when the account was created).

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