AWCI Has New Chapter

At its Oct. 2 meeting in Phoenix, Ariz., the AWCI board of directors gave unanimous approval to starting a new AWCI charter chapter, Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry of the Carolinas, which will unite all members with companies in North Carolina and South Carolina. The new chartered chapter is the brainchild of Mark Duncan, general manager of Dundee Company, Raleigh, N.C.

The 52 current members in those states can now join through the chapter to be a member of the national AWCI. During a three-year phase-in period, members in those states can apply for membership through either the national headquarters or the chapter. After three years, companies will be required to join only through the chapter but will receive the benefits of both the local and national associations.

Duncan says the new chapter is currently working on starting its own Web site and on designing and printing collateral materials (such as letterhead) that bear the chapter’s identity.

Anyone with questions about the new chapter may contact Duncan at (919) 596–0240 or [email protected].

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