AWCI on the Job

Sept. 15 Is Early-Bird Registration Deadline

If you have not yet registered for AWCI’s Industry Executives’ Conference & Committee Week, Oct. 14–18, 2008, in Honolulu, do so today!

The early-bird conference registration deadline is Sept. 15. Register for AWCI’s fall conference before the deadline and save $50; after Sept. 19, registration fees increase from $475 to $525.

Make your hotel reservations by calling the Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort & Spa’s reservations department at (808) 922.6611. Visit to learn more about the resort and all its amenities.

Go to to register online, download the brochure and find out more about sponsorship opportunities, the education sessions, tours and special events.

This year’s Industry Executives’ Conference & Committee Week will feature the bi-annual meetings of various AWCI committees along with education sessions that cover the economy and ConsensusDOCS. The conference also features an authentic luau, an excursion to the North Shore, and the Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry’s Golf Tournament and the treasure hunt that will benefit the AWCI Cares program.

Don’t miss out on the event that will put attendees on the cutting edge. Make your reservations today!

Stucco—Doing It Right Will Debut Sept. 27

The premiere of Stucco—Doing It Right will take place Sept. 25, 2008, at the Ramada Mall of America in Bloomington, Minn.

This one-day seminar, based on ASTM C926 and C1063, is packed with valuable industry information. The Stucco—Doing It Right seminar presents precise, accurate information on portland cement-based plaster applied to metal and solid bases.

You should be present at this educational opportunity if you are a project manager, superintendent, foreman, architect or code official.

Topics covered include codes and standards, weather concerns, design considerations, limitations of materials, substrates and more.

Register early! Visit our Web site at and register online. Contact Linda Gentry at (703) 538.1614 or [email protected] with any questions.

Steel—Doing It Right Available on DVD

This month, the essential content from the Steel—Doing It Right education seminar will be available for purchase on DVD with companion workbook.

The 8-hour interactive DVD and 190-page workbook are divided into 13 modules, which makes it easy to schedule the education into your work week or arrange regular training sessions with your staff. Additional companion workbooks may be purchased at any time after you have purchased the initial set.

Developed by AWCI and the Steel Framing Alliance, the DVD and workbook cover the latest standards and best practices for cold-formed steel framing. Engineering considerations, floor and roof assemblies, fastening and cutting, interior systems, structural wall assemblies, wind bearing and curtain wall framing, panelization, estimating, project management, quality control, a steel glossary and more are featured in the new DVD and workbook.

The special rate of $585 for the DVD and one workbook is for members of AWCI and SFA; nonmembers pay $785. Additional workbooks are $75 each ($85 for nonmembers).

Go to AWCI’s Web site,, click on “Steel—Doing It Right,” then scroll down to the bottom of the page to order online on our secure Web site.

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