Porinchak Recognized for 30 Years at AWCI

The Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry staff recognized Laura M. Porinchak with a plaque given to her at a group lunch to celebrate her 30th anniversary with AWCI.


Serving as editor of this magazine and the association’s director of communications since June 14, 1993, Porinchak is known for her love of the AP Stylebook and dislike of the Oxford comma. She was instrumental in bringing AWCI’s Construction Dimensions into the desktop publishing era in 1994, and in the decades that followed, new departments, writers and special sections have been introduced to the readers of this magazine with great success.


Her other responsibilities over the years include producing various member newsletters, editing AWCI’s technical documents, white papers and promotional materials, managing AWCI’s awards program and overseeing the production and publication of AWCI’s 100th anniversary book in 2018.


Porinchak believes visiting various member job sites over the years resulted in writing great feature articles for AWCI’s Construction Dimensions, but more than that, it gave her a more thorough construction education. “My first deep-dive visit to a construction site was in 1999 when HEK Platforms connected me with AWCI member Steve Nienke of Midwest Drywall Co. when the company was working on Phase I of the Venetian Las Vegas,” Porinchak recalls. “It was a real eye-opener. Thanks to Steve and his staff I learned so much more about construction details and processes, artistry, safety measures. Seeing it all in person made a difference.”


Another jobsite visit that struck a chord came about 10 years after Sept. 11, 2001. “One of the jobsite tours I will always remember is the one to New York City as construction of One World Trade Center was approaching the 80th floor,” Porinchak says. “I was invited by John Rappaport of Component Assembly Systems, Inc. to see his company’s work in helping to bring this new landmark to life. John provided me with supervised access to not only the tower, but also to the National September 11 Memorial & Museum and the fountain, all of which were under construction. I saw many things that other people will never see, like all the plumbing and machinery under the fountain. But what made this so memorable was that John also gave me access to his employees, many of whom had been among the first to respond on 9/11. Interviewing some of the staff was emotional, but in the end it only added to the respect and admiration I have for AWCI member contractors.”


Porinchak says there are two reasons she has stayed with AWCI for 30 years: She loves her job, and she values the friendships she has made with AWCI members. How much longer will she be with AWCI?


“Associate Publisher Brent Stone retired after 32 years, and former CEO Joe Baker stopped after 37 years, so if I don’t hit the lottery, I may try to pass Joe’s record,” Porinchak answers with a grin. “We have to remember that I have 20 years left on my mortgage.”

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