Members of the American Subcontractors Association elected Robert Abney, F.L. Crane & Sons, Inc., to serve as the 2016–2017 president of ASA, a national trade association representing subcontractors, specialty trade contractors and suppliers in the construction industry. Abney is the division president for the Southaven, Miss., branch of F.L. Crane, a contractor established in 1947 specializing in interior and exterior finishes.
Abney’s term as ASA president began July 1. He succeeds Letitia “Tish” Haley Barker, Haley-Greer, Inc., Dallas. As ASA president, Abney will preside at meetings of ASA’s board of directors, executive committee and the membership of the association. He also will serve as the principal spokesperson for the association and appoint the chairs, vice chairs and members of ASA committees and task forces.
ASA members also elected Jeff Banker, Banker Insulation, Chandler, Ariz., as vice president; Courtney Little, ACE Glass Construction Corporation, Little Rock, Ark., as treasurer; and Anthony Brooks, Platinum Drywall, Maumelle, Ark., as secretary. ASA officers serve a one-year term beginning July 1, 2016, and ending June 30, 2017. ASA members elected Jason File, Les File Drywall, Inc., Albuquerque, and Jeff VanderLaan, Kent Companies, Inc., Grand Rapids, Mich., to the board of directors. These directors serve a three-year term that began July 1, 2016.