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AWCI Safety Awards 2023: Between 500,000 and 1M Man-Hours

T.J. Wies Contracting, Inc.

The Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry recognized excellence in construction safety when the winners of AWCI’s awards program were announced in March during Build23: AWCI’s Convention + Expo in Las Vegas. AWCI’s Excellence in Construction Safety Award gives national recognition to members who manage an effective safety program in a given year.


T.J. Wies Contracting, Inc.

Saint Louis, MO

Here is what a TJ Wies employee says about the company’s safety culture:

“In construction, one word we hear from the very beginning is ‘production.’ You must be getting things done quickly for the company to be profitable. I will never forget hearing the company owner for the first time when he was speaking at a company safety meeting. He said, ‘Don’t ever do anything unsafe to help me make a dollar. Get the right equipment for the job, and get it done safely.’ Tim Wies is very invested in our safety on the job, and I know that is a huge reason for everyone being so bought in. The safety culture at this company is second to none and we all know it.”

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