The Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry’s Excellence in Construction Innovation Award recognizes products, services, materials, technologies or systems that improve the means and methods utilized in the wall and ceiling industry.
National Gypsum Company
MaX12 is the industry’s first and only 12" o.c. optimized fastener pattern for single layer, 1-hour UL fire-rated assemblies on metal framing. MaX12 takes the industry standard fastener pattern of 8" o.c. (perimeter and field) in a horizontal application, and 8" o.c. (perimeter) / 12" o.c. (field) in a vertical application and replaces them with a simpler, more efficient 12" o.c. optimized fastener pattern throughout the entire field of the gypsum board in both horizontal and vertical applications.
The MaX12 optimized fastener pattern results in bona fide savings of both installation labor and finishing labor, as well as significantly reduce respective material costs. Through National Gypsum’s proprietary and innovative manufacturing process, National Gypsum board products are able to achieve UL listed fire-rated assemblies with fewer fasteners.
A Testimonial
“With MaX12, our two-man crew was able to hang 105 sheets per day. To put that into perspective, this same two-man crew historically hangs approximately 70 sheets per day. We attribute this increase in productivity to MaX12, the 12" o.c. optimized fastener pattern.” — Jacob Monser, Commercial Interior