As many young people take on leadership roles in our industry, this is a time when we need to think carefully about how we communicate with these emerging leaders because it can be so fundamental to their success in companies, in the association, the construction industry as a whole and even in their personal lives. How we interact with our new and aspiring leaders and pass on best practices and other lessons that we’re trying to foster at AWCI is a part of that, and it includes everything from physical and mental health to training.
We have to understand and respect the priorities and perspectives of the next generation, which are often different from the issues of my generation. I’m 57 and when I was a young manager, I was on my own. I was given a job and told for the most part “to just get it done.” There was little hands-on training or guidance. That is not a good way of doing things today. At my company I am working with a new manager who has been promoted to a senior position, and I must remind myself to be more supportive and coach him in a manner I never experienced when I was in his position.
I do believe that the new generation of leaders expects a lot more support, training and education than my generation experienced. I think what they are asking for is appropriate and, if we respect that, our industry will continue grow in a positive way.
As I write this, I don’t have the final number of attendees who participated in Build24: AWCI’s Convention + Expo in Florida last month, but I know that attendance was strong and that there was a lot of excitement about the event. Whatever the final number was, the convention’s success shows how much interest our members have in our industry and the issues it faces. I also believe this growing enthusiasm is a sign that many of us have put the hard times of the pandemic behind us and are now back to work in normal industry economic cycles.
I hope everyone has a safe and productive month ahead.