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Acoustic Ceiling Scape

Turf has launched its newest ceiling scape: Plaid. Plaid tackles innovation from a product perspective. The ceiling system supplies architects and designers with a new cutting-edge product that prioritizes the aesthetics and acoustics of commercial spaces and utilizes Hues.


Plaid is a criss-cross sound container that seamlessly fits its environment with a custom-level of precision, thanks to its considerations of a standard tee-grid infrastructure in its design. Plaid’s Gridlock connection to the tee-grid lets specifiers select from myriad options, including an open-edge, border or different grid spacing. The open-edge layout uses an end cap to create a finished look; the bordered layout helps to define the boundaries of a space using a border that matches the dimensions of the main baffle profile; different on-center grid spacing, based on tee-grid configurations, allows Plaid to transform and create distinct aesthetics within spaces.


Plaid is available as a stand-alone cloud or a continuous system that comes with optional tile caps to add a coffered look to the product. There are 4 standard cap options: flat fill, square offset (a two-tone tile), carved Maze and Tubular along with the ability to create a custom tile.


Plaid is offered in 3 different size tiers, from a minimum of 3" x 4" to a maximum of 16" x 24". The solution is available in Turf’s 9mm PET felt, offered in the brand’s new palette of 32 shades and the 8 Turf Textures. The noise-reducing

coefficient ranging from 0.60 (uncapped) to 0.90 (capped).

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