E-book on Specifying CFS Framing

BuildSteel.org, powered by the Steel Framing Industry Association, has released an e-book, “Specifying Cold-Formed Steel Framing: A Guide for Architects and Engineers,” which is available as a free download.


The publication will prove helpful to architects and engineers who regularly specify cold-formed steel for their building projects.


“Specifying Cold-Formed Steel Framing: A Guide for Architects and Engineers” explains how the standards for steel framing have evolved. The 2018 International Building Code, for example, references steel framing standards from the American Iron and Steel Institute exclusively, which is a departure from past IBC versions that also reference ASTM standards.


In addition to discussing codes and standards, the publication discusses the CFS framing industry’s new quality assurance/quality control requirements and provides information on how architects and engineers can update their in-house CFS framing specifications using free resources, such as the SFIA Specifications Review Service.


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