Fire-Rated Radius Wall

National Gypsum announces its newest innovation, Gold Bond® Brand XP® Fire-Rated 5/16" Radius Wall, for radius applications requiring fire-rated assemblies.

XP Fire-Rated 5/16" Radius Wall is used in double-layered construction. A one-hour UL tested assembly can be achieved with two layers, and a two-hour UL tested assembly can be achieved with four layers. Designs can include convex and concave walls with a 2' minimum radius.

The special Purple® XP paper protects against mold, mildew and moisture, and is also abrasion-resistant. Combined with a denser core, XP Fire-Rated Radius Wall provides greater resistance to surface abuse when tested.

XP Fire-Rated 5/16" Radius Wall scores and snaps easily, with no special handling requirements. Tapered edges allow joints to be reinforced with joint tape and concealed with setting compounds. For optimum resistance against mold and mildew, ProForm Brand XP® Ready Mix is recommended for use.

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