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Leach Center for the Performing Arts

Colorado Academy’s Leach Center for the Performing Arts

Denver, Colorado

AWCI Member Contractor: South Valley Drywall

The following project was submitted to AWCI’s Excellence in Construction Quality Awards program in 2022 in the Small Projects category.

The Leach Center for the Performing Arts is an inviting and inspiring space where all Colorado Academy students (pre-K through grade 12) know they can be creative, learn and appreciate the arts. The new 21,000-square-foot building features flexible spaces for teaching, rehearsing and performing, including a 500-seat theater; a Black Box Theater and Performance Space, which can seat up to 90 people; an orchestra pit; a state-of-the-art theatrical rigging system; high-end digital light, sound and projection systems; an upgraded shop for scenic construction; an anchoring system to support CA’s new vertical dance program; and a classroom for speech and debate.


As part of their scope, AWCI member South Valley Drywall constructed the two theaters, a classroom, the rehearsal theater and scene shop, a dressing room and storage rooms for up to 500 people. The theater was thermally and acoustically designed to for an immersive experience not to be impacted by outside elements. The performance area mixed SAC ceilings, specialty wood products and deep color tones to maximize the experience in the space.


Creative use of materials included finished walls that reached 50 feet without breaks. They were painted with dark colors and without flashing under critical light. South Valley Drywall integrated suspended drywall ceilings, suspended catwalks and a light gauge steel framed pitched roof. The 115,176-square-foot job incorporated more than 68,000 square feet of drywall and more than 79,000 linear feet of steel framing, and the SVD completed their work in 136 workdays (3,544 man-hours).

Established in 1976, South Valley Drywall is a contractor headquartered in Littleton, Colo. The South Valley Drywall Commercial Division is locally and nationally recognized for innovation, quality and delivery of service. The South Valley Drywall Residential Division works with individuals, local, national and custom builders. The  South  Valley  Drywall  Patch  Department specializes in drywall  patching and texturing. Visit to learn more about this AWCI member’s company and work.

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