Aha Moments

Yes, this column is called “What’s Inside,” but I have to address what’s not inside this issue. For the first time in more than 30 years, we at AWCI’s Construction Dimensions are not publishing our annual buyers’ guides in the August and September issues. Why? Two reasons: First, it’s 2023. While our readers repeatedly tell us they want a printed magazine, printed directories are out of date before the ink is dry on the page. People move on, phone numbers change, etc. (Do you still have a Yellow Pages book in your office?) Second, contractors don’t like to waste time. If they really want to learn more about ABC Company’s Product X, they will go to either AWCI’s website for information, or they will go directly to ABC Company’s website.


The buyers’ guides had a good run, but all good things must end. And when one thing ends, something else usually begins, so stay tuned for some exciting AWCI news to be announced near the end of the year.


I am excited about this issue of AWCI’s Construction Dimensions because once again, I learned something from each feature article. I had several “aha moments” when reading this one.


Our first feature (page 28) has AWCI member contractors talking about how they manage tight schedules. The first part of the article notes the many reasons why schedules may tighten, then the contractors detail their strategies. The article wouldn’t be complete if it didn’t also examine how new technologies may help, so it also takes a look at what will help and what isn’t cut out for subcontractors. My aha moment from this article is that our member wall and ceiling contractors do their best to resolve problems before they become problems, but if the GC doesn’t cooperate, he may not get their bids anymore.


Our next article gave me many aha moments. It may look familiar because we have discussed this in the recent past, but AWCI’s safety peer reviews continue to deliver useful information, and we cannot ignore it. When it comes to safety lessons, we must share. AWCI’s Don Allen attended the most recent peer review, and his article (page 36) offers 14 safety tips that resulted from the review. What struck me the most was the section on making the safety lesson personal. I encourage you all to make time to read this one.


Finally, page 44 starts a special article on software programs. What is right for your company? Would you be better off with a stand-alone platform or an all-in-one platform? This article examines the pros and cons of each, and it offers things to consider—things you may not think about, like how new hires may be affected. Aha!



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