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GCs Open Up

I hope you will enjoy our November issue, which has a focus on general contractors. GCs have always been a hot topic, so we decided to revisit the topic since it has been a while. In the article that starts on page 28, you’ll learn that the GCs we interviewed were more than willing to talk. (For that I am very grateful, and I think you will be too once you’ve read the article.) Now that the work is back on the books, GCs are right there with the subs looking for skilled labor. They’re also talking about immigration issues (and possible solutions), trends and how relationships with subcontractors have changed. To round it out, each major issue discussed in the article also includes comments from subcontractors.


The next article, which is found on page 34, takes a hard look at the advantages (and disadvantages) to using construction managers instead of GCs. Our writer, Steve Saucerman, survived a natural disaster and its aftereffects, and one of those aftereffects was the wave of CMs blowing into town—and they weren’t very welcome. You’ll have to read the story to found out how it all ended, but lessons were learned.


Speaking of natural disasters, Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico on Sept. 20, and now in mid-October, I’m starting to see in the news that electricity will be restored to most of the island by December. December! That’s a long time to wait for a basic necessity.


And obviously, the construction market is going to boom in Puerto Rico. AWCI has members who live and work on Puerto Rico, and one in particular has told me that partnering on construction jobs is going to be necessary in the rebuilding efforts. Are you looking for more work? Can you and your company help to get this U.S. territory back on its feet? When it’s safe and appropriate for work to begin, I can put you in touch with people who may be able to help you to help them. Contact me if you are interested.


Finally, the feature article on page 42 wraps up the article that we started last month, Doug Bellamy sharing his company’s “quality service” documentation with you. But also make sure you also read his Management Desk column (page 16), where Doug shares a past personal situation that didn’t end well—at first. Again, lessons learned.


I want to end by backing up what AWCI President Sellers said in his comments on the previous page. He noted that while AWCI has many members, not all are actively participating in association events. AWCI is here to help its members run successful businesses, and that means we’re keeping tabs on issues that affect a wall and ceiling contractor’s company. OSHA’s respirable silica rule, ASTM and screw spinout and job mock-ups, and immigration policy are just some of the areas AWCI is actively monitoring. Being a member of a trade association makes good business sense, but being an active member—one who comes to the meetings, talks with other contractors and hears the news firsthand—makes you a priceless member of your local community and the building community. Consider joining us in Orlando next March. I’d love to see you there!

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