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Suppliers: Unsung Heroes?

You may have noticed a little extra weight than usual on this issue of your favorite industry magazine. That’s because this is one of the largest issues of the year, our Buyers’ Guide of AWCI member suppliers to the wall and ceiling industry (page 37). The list has both big national names and familiar local names, and all are ready to help you with your next job. Make sure you keep this issue handy for future reference.


And speaking of suppliers, we interviewed some of them for the article that begins on page 30. We asked them about trends, product prices and what contractors and suppliers can do (or are already doing) to create lasting, honest work relationships that get buildings built. I’ve often considered suppliers to be the unsung heroes of the industry, and some of the advice they offer in this article makes me believe that even more. Check it out!


Our third feature continues AWCI’s centennial anniversary celebration. Keeping with the supplier theme, the article on page 93 gives a brief history of the evolution of the industry’s manufacturing/supply business. This story proves that having the right product at the right time for the right price is the kind of thing that keeps companies in business for decades, if not centuries. It also shows how innovative our industry is and has been. (I hope you’re enjoying our centennial stories as much as I am.)


With AWCI’s centennial celebration just six months away, I am excited to see how our commemorative book turns out. As I write this in August, we are just beginning to see the first few chapters come in from the writer/historian—and it’s really interesting. Those who are lucky enough to see a copy of the book will be fascinated by how the industry has changed—and how much it hasn’t. A timeline of historical world events helps keep things in perspective, and AWCI’s achievements are more numerous than I imagined. This is the kind of book that will sit on coffee tables (do people still do that?) or in office reception areas for years to come.


As if that weren’t enough, AWCI members were invited to submit photos or text showing important milestones in their own company histories. Many of these submissions will be included in the book, which only continues to grow as more members participate.


AWCI members are also participating by becoming sponsors. Sponsorships of all kinds are available, from print to convention possibilities, and they are going surprisingly fast. It seems everyone wants to take part in AWCI’s upcoming birthday, and that’s a good feeling.


If you would like to participate, feel free to post something to AWCI’s Facebook timeline ( or Twitter feed (@AWCI_INFO), and make sure you use the #AWCI100 hashtag so we’ll be sure to see it. It is possible that some of these posts will be published in the commemorative book, so make it good!

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