Architects Face Similar Challenges

Why are we so quick to blame architects for not providing all the details? Could the lack of details in drawings be more because of the erosion of their fees over the years and the way they are hired?


As we all know, architects have a professional responsibility to produce complete and accurate drawings. However, the degree of completeness and level of detail in drawings can vary, depending on project requirements, scope of work and the way architects are compensated.


Often architects are hired for a fixed fee and “successfully” being the low bidder. This approach puts pressure on them to design within their budgeted hours, which can result in a reduction in the level of design details and resources available for the project. In essence it can lead to compromised solutions. Incomplete drawings often contribute to a project going over budget and beyond schedule. To catch up, more people are required to be on-site, which can add site congestion, incomplete work and lost productivity.


Architects seem to be facing challenges similar to the ones wall and ceiling contractors are facing in the way we are hired. If we can understand architects and the challenges they face, we will have a better chance that we can work through the issues together and find solutions that help both of us succeed in such a rewarding but challenging industry.


As my term as the AWCI’s president comes to an end, I would like to be the first to introduce you to the president for the 2023–2024 term, Travis Winsor, CEO of The Raymond Group. Travis is an individual I look up to and I am proud to call him my friend. He is a visionary thinker, a man of integrity and is known for bringing the best out of everyone around him. Our association is in very good hands with Travis as our next leader.


I would like to thank each of you for your support over the last year. I have taken a lot of pride in my role as AWCI president, and I do appreciate you helping me fill that chair over the past year.

In addition to being 2022–2023 president of the Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry, Travis Vap is CEO of South Valley Drywall, Inc. in Littleton, Colo.

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