2008 Elections

We broke with the traditional Problem Solved–typed of question this month for more of a finger-on-the-pulse question. 2008 promises to be an interestering year for ceiling and wall contractors, both economically
and politically, and this month’s question might be used as a gauge for
how the construction industry is currently feeling about the U.S. presidential campaigns. It may be interesting to ask this question again in about six months, to see if anything has changed. Who should win the U.S. presidential election in 2008, and who will win? Why?

Mike Huckabee should win as he is the most sensible and ethical candidate who may be able to bring some reconciliation to Congress. He won’t win—Bill Richardson will win. Americans are looking (foolishly) for a change and will elect a democrat—regardless of the candidate. Obama as a black man whose middle name is Hussein—is not electable, as sad as those two reasons might be. Additionally, he is a bit loony with some of his ideas, despite what Oprah might think—she’s loony too! Hillary is unelectable and will self destruct—her sense of entitlement will become painfully clear to the people, and the baggage she carries with her husband is insurmountable—and I don’t even need to cover the female radicalism that permeates her every talk. She is a far left crazy who will be seen for just that, as the process moves on. The press continues to cover her, as she is a novelty (1st lady, senator,
1st legit woman candidate) … but she is nothing more the bearded lady or the fire eating reptile man at the circus. The people will see through her lack of workable ideas and she will not be a factor—or a significant candidate come convention time.

The guy with the most Electoral College votes, when it’s over, will win. Because that’s the way the system works.

—Mark Cline Plaster, Inc.

Mitt Romney.

Fred Thompson. I have been looking at every Republican candidate, and
with each week that passes, I have been indecisive as to who I would support. Fred is the only one left that I feel supports my views, although I am still unsure about his desire to lead our
country. Time will tell.

Hillary Clinton should win the Presidential Election in 2008. Hillary has the resources and experience of being in the White House and Bill should make a great First Husband. The economy should pick up and these two together should get the ball rolling for all Americans.

—Wayne Dickinson, DickinsonDrywall, West Bridgewater, Mass.

A Christian conservative, most likely Republican. Maybe Ron Paul, as he’s got the right idea concerning most things, like healthcare, the FDA, taxes, etc.

I’m going to say Hillary, because of the way that the economy and that small businesses like me have been hit hard by the Bush machine the last few years. Also, the meaningless war in Iraq has caused the price of fuel to triple since Bush has been in office, and it has crippled the real estate market and the exchange rate with the declining dollar
value against other countries and even Canada. If she gets elected, I’m hoping that we can get back to fiscal responsibility like we had in the late 1990s. My business was a lot better off then.

Mike Huckabee SHOULD win because he has integrity. Clinton will win because the American people are easy to fool.

Barack Obama. We need someone new and fresh with fresh ideas and
different approach to getting things done. I am tired of the same old politicians and their same old crap. No more Bushes or Clintons. We need someone who cares about the people and what we need and want.

Al Gore should win. Barack Obama will win.

None of the above should win, since none of the candidates are worth my
time!!!! Maybe we should recall Ross Perot or maybe I will run myself.

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