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Codes & Standards


I enjoy your “Wachuwannano ” articles every month. Keep up the good work. The question I have is, as a general contractor, when do I have a right to tell finishers they are...


Q. I am interested in a career as a drywall worker. Would you please send me some information about entry-level skills needed? I also would like to know about job openings and pay scales currently...

Question and Answer

Does AWCI have any type of safety information on the proper loading or stocking of dry-wall into job sites? AWCI publications do not specifically address this particular issue, but it is an important...

Question and Answer

In view of the Green Building Program being used by some federal and local governments the following question from AWCI’s NetForum seems appropriate. I’d also be interested in hearing from AWCI members and readers with...


This month’s question involves more than the actual finishing of the joint and goes somewhat beyond the realm of the standard but justifies a look at the industry information available. The designer had specified that...


Q What is a “balanced design” approach to fire protection? Aren’t sprinklers sufficient to protect a building from the spread of fire? AJohn R. Hall Jr. and Arthur E. Cote describe the “balanced design”...


Question: How is gypsum board used as a roofing material? —via e-mail Answer: Obviously (one hopes), gypsum board is not suitable for use in situations where it is exposed to excessive heat...


Question: Drywall manufacturers recommend wetting gypsum wallboard in order to bend it for radius walls and other curves. With all the worries about mold, particularly with gypsum board, this seems to be counterintuitive and, at...


Question: How do you determine whether glass mat gypsum substrate is still any good after being exposed to the weather for some time before attaching EPS board for the installation of an exterior insulation...