AWCI Convention: Don’t Miss It

It is not too late to register for Construction Directions, the Association of Wall and Ceiling Industry’s annual convention and trade show, which will be held March 29–April 3, at the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel & Marina in Tampa, Fla.

The show presents an opportunity for delegates to not only see the latest in products and specialized technology but it also provides them with a chance to meet manufacturer representatives, suppliers, dealers and vendors—the faces behind the products. They can provide you with a thorough overview of their products and answer any questions you may have on the spot. It is not every day that you can get the undivided attention of a convention full of people that make, supply and sell the tools, equipment and technology that you rely upon. Take advantage of this opportunity. If you want to be a leader in your industry, or at the very least keep up with some of the important technological changes happening, this conference is a must.

It is also worth noting that the convention presents several educational seminars that any savvy contractor would benefit from. We are in an era of fast-paced change that often comes in the technological arena. Keeping abreast of those changes is vital to success in business. Remember: Knowledge is power, and the people we work for expect us to be up-to-date on technology.

At this year’s convention you have access to all of the above and more. We expect it to be a great event, and we hope to see you there.

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