
2015 May

Control Joints in Stucco

Q: When installing control joints in a portland cement stucco system, is it necessary to cut the lath? A: According to ASTM C1063, Standard Specification for Installation of Lathing and Furring to Receive...

2015 May

Deflection Clips

Based on industry demand for larger, stronger and easier to install deflection clips, Super Stud Building Products, Inc. (Super Stud) introduces a line of bypass deflection clips designed to use standard #12 screws for attachment...

2015 May

Synthetic Millwork Products

Fypon introduces 85 new polyurethane pieces created to complement a variety of home designs. As with all Fypon pieces, the new products may be used for both interior and exterior applications.      From new...

2015 March

Warranted Stucco Systems

Structa Wire Corporation of Vancouver, B.C, and Master Wall Inc.® of Fortson, Ga., have entered into an agreement for joint marketing and warranting of certain Structalath and Mega Lath products with the Cemplaster Fiberstucco system....