AWCI’s Emerging Leaders Class of 2025 officially kicked off in Tampa, Florida, January 23-24.
Co-chairs for the Emerging Leaders Committee, Travis Vap, Dan Wies and Mike Garcia along with AWCI CEO Michael Stark, CAE, IOM were in attendance leading our class of 20 people.
Day 1 started with opening remarks, ice-breaker activities, interactive team-building and a guided discussion. Scott Kimpland of FMI spoke about the characteristics of successful specialty contractors, followed by an open discussion and Q&A.
Day 2, the group discussed leadership challenges, sharing personal leadership insights and got an introduction to the 12-week program from Stagen on personal development and leadership.
The Stagen program is being sponsored by Trim-Tex and the Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry. The 12-week course combines video-based teaching, detailed course guide and group discussions. The courses and group discussions will be led by Mike Garcia, who is a graduate of Stagen’s year-long leadership program. This program has amazing takeaways that each person can implement immediately in their personal and professional lives.
We wish the 2025 class success and growth in the Emerging Leaders Program! View and share the post on LinkedIn.
Learn more about the Emerging Leaders Program.