Conference Attendance Highest Since 2006

Thanks to All the Sponsors and Participants

Attendance at AWCI’s Industry Executives’ Conference & Committee Meetings, which was held at the end of September in Honolulu, achieved the highest numbers since 2006.


And it wouldn’t have happened without these conference sponsors:



Flex-Ability Concepts

Hawaii Wall & Ceiling  Industry Association

Hilti, Inc.


National Gypsum


Plastic Components

Plexxis Software

Radius Track


Also during the conference, the Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry hosted a golf tournament and 50-50 raffle, and AWCI CARES hosted a Heads Up! game as fundraisers.

The Foundation thanks its golf tournament sponsors:

National Gypsum

Applied Restoration, Inc. (ARI)

Association of the Wall-Ceiling & Carpentry Industries of New York



CertainTeed Gypsum


Interior Finish Contractors Assn. of DE Valley

Golf tournament winners are as follows:

Winning Team

Johnny Barnes

Darin Coats

Michael Kohut

Travis Winsor

Longest Drive

Geoffrey Furtaw

Longest Putt

Scott Maki

Closest to the Pin

Mark Wilson

Golf Ball/Tee/Marker Jar Winner

Eric Larson

Here are the raffle winners:

Bryan Baker

Laura Collins

Michael Sireno

AWCI CARES thanks its sponsors:

Associated Drywall Partners, Inc.


Liddle Brothers Contractors, Inc.

RockSteady Clip

Ronsco, Inc.

Statewide General Contracting & Construction, Inc.

AWCI CARES congratulates the winning team: Hope Nabity, Scott Turczynski, Laura Wies

Visit AWCI’s Facebook page to view more photos from the event, which included committee meetings, education sessions and various networking and fundraising events.