AWCI on the Job

Fall Conference a Success

AWCI’s Industry Executives’ Conference & Committee Week, Sept. 28– Oct. 2 in Tucson, Ariz., was deemed a success by AWCI’s leadership. With attendee numbers that match those of last year’s conference in Puerto Rico, some suspect the economy may be making a comeback even though many regions of the country are still suffering.

AWCI thanks conference sponsors Steeler, T.E.A.M. Panels and USG for their support.

In news from the AWCI Nominating Committee, John Hinson of Marek Brothers System, Inc. (Dallas) in Texas has been nominated to the 2012–2013 AWCI Executive Committee. This means that once Hinson goes through the chairs, he will become AWCI’s president in 2015. Also, John Rapaport of Component Assembly Systems in New York will begin his term as an at-large board member next July. Filling the vacant supplier at-large board seat is George Kutcher of National Gypsum Company. The appointments were approved unanimously by the AWCI board of directors.

Members of the AWCI Supplier and Manufacturer Members Committee commended the AWCI staff for moving the 2011 trade show from Reno, Nev., to Las Vegas, and voiced their satisfaction with the combined AWCI and CISCA trade show. This group also decided to explore whether or not having a separate committee for suppliers and another for committee for manufacturers is a viable idea.

The AWCI Industry Awards Committee selected the winners of the 2011 Excellence in Construction Quality Award, which will be announced during AWCI’s Convention next April. (All winners have been notified.)

The AWCI Education Committee has set up a full slate of education programs for AWCI’s Academy in January 2011 in addition to the convention in the spring and various webinars throughout the year. Attendees were told that all AWCI members are welcome to submit ideas for subject matter to be discussed at future AWCI meetings.

Members of the Plasterers’ Craft Committee enjoyed full participation from union representatives while the Painters’ Craft Committee continues to work on its alliance with the Finishing Contractors Association.

AWCI’s Curriculum and Examinations Committee is working to update the education video that accompanies the EIFS—Doing It Right program.

At the Association Executives meeting, it was noted that AWCI now has a new chapter in Canada, and another possibility is a chapter in Mexico.

The Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry meetings highlighted that AWCI Cares has $75,000 available to award in grants to AWCI members in need.

Education sessions at the conference, which covered healthcare legislation and lost labor productivity, gave attendees the competitive advantage, and some friendly fund-raising competitions provided networking opportunities.

The Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry’s Golf Tournament, sponsored by National Gypsum Company, saw golfers playing in temperatures above 100 degrees. Here are the tournament’s big winners:

• Winning Foursome—Gregg Brady, Keith Constanzo, Allen Larson and Jim Taylor

• Closest to the Pin—George Kutcher

• Longest Drive—Mike Taylor

• Longest Putt—Mike Sireno

The Foundation’s 50–50 Raffle raised more than $11,000 during this conference. Half of the funds raised will be used for the Foundation’s education and research programs, and continued maintenance of the John H. Hampshire Memorial Library. The three raffle winners shared the other half of the funds raised:

• Robert Wies—$2,800

• Allen Larson—$1,680

• Mike Sireno—$1,120

AWCI Cares, the Foundation program that offers financial assistance to AWCI members in need, held its first-ever AWCI Cares Challenge of Champions. This event, based on the television game show “Minute to Win It,” is where attendees tried to accomplish various tasks that seem silly but are really rather difficult. Among those tasks were stacking five apples (it’s much harder than it looks!), keeping a feather in the air without touching it, carrying a glass of water on your head from one end of the yard to another, and blowing up as many balloons as possible—each using one minute or less. Ben and Caryl Lester took home the trophy for achieving the highest score. This event was sponsored by Steve and Carol Baker, and Bruce and Terrie Miller.

The optional events offered attendees many different ways to see the sights and sounds of Tucson and its surrounding desert. One group of conference-goers spent an afternoon in a Jeep taking a tour of the desert while another group took part in a cattle drive on horseback. Those who preferred to travel in air-conditioning opted for a tour of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.

Next year’s conference will be held in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, Sept. 13–17. Visit for more information.

“Doing It Right” Seminars Will Be Held in San Diego and Las Vegas in 2011
AWCI developed the Doing It Right seminar series with your company’s success in mind. The instructors were chosen based on their experience and depth of knowledge. They receive great reviews from attendees, and their presentations allow plenty of time for question-and-answer sessions.

Seminar content is based on industry standards and best practices, and is developed by expert oversight groups. These seminars are geared toward owners and upper and middle management-project managers, foremen and estimators. They offer frontline managers (who may not have come up in the industry) an opportunity to learn from the real life experiences of the instructors.

The seminars range in price from $150 to $450. Attendees receive certificates of attendance, workbooks to use and keep as a reference guide, AWCI publications and networking opportunities with contractors from around the country. Fees also include breakfast and lunch.

To register for the Feb. 7–8 Steel—Doing It Right® in San Diego go to

To register for the April 7–8 Stucco—Doing It Right® in Las Vegas go to

To register for the April 7–8 Ceilings—Doing It Right® in Las Vegas go to

To register for the April 7–8 Gypsum—Doing It Right® in Las Vegas go to

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