Dustless U-Blend Lid

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Health and safety in the workplace is a growing concern, especially when it applies to the commercial coatings industry. Silicosis is dangerous when mixing products and some materials tend to be very dusty, so Quikspray has created a dustless lid for the U-Blend Mixer to help eliminate dusting from the mixing operation. The Quikspray Dustless Lid can be connected to an industry-rated vacuum such as a Pulse Bac HEPA-rated vacuum. The use of the U-Blend Dustless Lid in combination with a quality vacuum takes the dust from the mixing environment to near zero.

This dustless top is also extremely beneficial when mixing indoors. Not only does it trap the dust, it is also more mobile than having to set up a hood to draw dust away. Using a hood system still allows the dust to escape into the air before it is captured and removed. Quikspray’s U-Blend Dustless Lid keeps the dust inside the mixer and removes it with the vacuum. A vacuum is not necessary, but greatly helps in the dust collection and is highly recommended. The size of the vacuum port can be custom ordered from Quikspray to fit your vacuum of choice.

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