Actions, Not Words, Speak Loudest

Holy health care, Batman! Is that a Republican sitting in Ted Kennedy’s seat?

Actions speak louder than words, as they say. With the statement made by the great people of Massachusetts, perhaps the leadership in Washington is beginning to get the message. Americans clearly favor health care reform; however, they do not favor the current proposals being discussed in the House and Senate. With the partisan consensus, perhaps health care reform will be accomplished, without bankrupting our country at the same time.

On another note, I am pleased to report that AWCI’s efforts with our partners at the Steel Stud Manufacturers Association regarding code compliance testing for non-structural steel framing has gained meaningful traction. A meeting organized by AWCI representing a large swath of manufacturers, distributors and contractors this past January in St. Louis, Mo., went extremely well with an agreement by all parties to address the concerns of our member constituents. I would like to thank all of the parties involved and will provide an updated and detailed report at our convention and INTEX Expo in Denver, April 19–14.

Unemployment in the construction industry is hovering between 20 percent and 25 percent nationwide, but it seems our leadership in Washington is finally coming around as voiced in last month’s State of the Union address. Creating new jobs is now the main priority. We may not all agree on what it takes to achieve success, but the recent failed attempt to pass health care with backroom deals is a reminder of what not to do to get bipartisan support.

Remember, actions really do speak louder than words. So, let’s just see where we will go from here. I look forward to our convention and wish everyone a safe trip to Denver.

In addition to being the 2009–2010 president of the Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry, Weber is president of Island Acoustics LLC in Bohemia, N.Y.

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