How Often Do You Visit the Job Site?

Business Owners: How often do you visit the job site? How much is too much/too little?

In addition to those who said they walk the job site every day, we received these more elaborate responses:

We visit the job every day or, at a minimum, every other day. No better project management than walking the job site, talking to the project superintendent and greeting all your employees by first name. You can never spend too much time on the job. Now, project meetings—that is a different story.

—Michael G. Winghart, Owner, Winghart Inc., Mequon, WI

I am on the job site every day with my plasterers not because I have to be or they need me there—they don’t, but because it is our promise to our clients that they get our undivided attention while we are working for them. We want them to know their project is the most important one we have ever done.

—Randy Clark, Olde World Walls & Ceilings, Inc.

It always depends on the job, but I always go to the job on day one or day two, and then periodically throughout, but at least once a week. Every day if there is a problem, but every time I go I make sure I talk to each and every member of the crew (usually from two to six guys). I try to keep the crew motivated so I don’t have to do the work.

—Tim Vellrath, President, Vellrath Engineering – Fireproofing, Plymouth, CT

At least once a week. Can’t beat it for customer and employee relations. Develop a program for your visits and utilize the time to impact the project in a positive manner. I have a checklist: safety, utilization of materials, equipment, manpower and quality. Also check with the job supervisor to make sure he is satisfied with our performance.

I try to stop at every job site at least a couple of times a week and spend some significant time with my employees. It seems like a lot gets done when I’m there!

—Mike Schultz, Drycon, LLC, Tacoma, WA

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